Monday, February 2, 2009


My futon is situated against a wall. Everyday, I roll out of bed on the left side, because I have no other choice. Today, the left side turned out to be the right side, as opposed to the alternative wrong side, proverbially speaking. Last night I went to bed ridiculously early, intentionally leaving my curtains open, hoping to wake up without my alarm. This morning, like all mornings, the sounds of street construction filtered in. I'm so used to it now that it's nearly calming. Calming enough to send me back to sleep. But not today. The sun, which feels like a long lost friend of mine, beat me to rise. This morning was disguised as springtime, and I was happy to play the fool.

My phone was blinking with a text message. In the message was a joke. Not a very funny joke, really. But it’s the effort that is gladly and pitiably noted. Then a few more messages, and a phone call from Mum. Shower, and a coffee, with time left for some breakfast.

More texts.
C: Today is starting out as a good one! Still meeting at 1?
T: My day has been a bit slow…how about 2?

Between classes, I made a one hour stop off at my newest (version of the same old) caffeinated-watering hole. What has now become something of a weekly tradition has proven to be the only remedy for my typical case of the Monday's. However, today I didn't have them. Missing one of the usual suspects, just the two of us talked, and talked, and were mindful of both time, and good manners.

Walking on the last leg of what felt like a minute-long day, I was still impressed by the calibre of my mood. You see, over the past few weeks I've been permanently stumped. Putting out nothing, and getting the same back in return. I've felt dried up, overworked and underworked, without work, and tired of working on changing it. And what else? I felt sick, homesick, and sick of feeling sick, without any real symptoms of sickness at all, and no reason to stay in bed. All out of no where, and with no end in sight.

Today, though, something's been recovered. My sinus and my conscience are both clear. I don't often read inspirational quotes, simply because I don't find them inspirational -- but as I swallowed the last of my drink, I saw this written on the side:

The Way I See It #276
Anger is contagious.

And then it all made sense.


Kevin said...

So I'm wondering if I can hire you to write my memoirs?
Or perhaps just some sort of written narration of my daily routines? Please?

Tee said...

good writing is (hopefully) also contagious.


carli mia said...


Pennerad said...

ah. the coffee cup speaks. always a good day when starbucks drops wisdom into your lap! i love your writing. i, too, hope this is contagious.