Friday, September 12, 2008


Tough times for Tea Leoni. Not only does her acting career suck, but so does her married life.

I realise that I'm a little slow on the uptake, being that this news is now about four weeks rotting in the compost, but in defence, err, response to a fellow blogger's post, I feel the issue needs to be addressed.

David Duchovny, my personal favourite TV hunk, reportedly checked in to rehab on August 26th for an addiction to sex. Like the Twinkie Defence, I like to call this one the Clinton Defence.

For some reason, I have always had difficulty understanding the idea behind a sex addiction. Suppose we took any frequent occurrence that is remotely pleasant, and attached the word "addiction" to the end of it. Suddenly, we would have our tax dollars spilling into puppy dog support groups, and daily bowel movement rehabilitation centres. Just because you like it doesn’t mean you're hooked. (you know you use it) describes addiction like so:

noun: to cause one to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on an addictive substance, such as alcohol or a narcotic.

Notice how it does not mention a compulsion toward blow jobs.

I have always been sympathetic to addiction, as it is an illness, and one that is quite difficult to overcome. To say that a rigorous appetite for sex can qualify as an addiction is an insult to the men and women who have to struggle everyday to stay clean in order to keep a job, not the men and women who want to get down and dirty with their coworkers on their lunch hour.

Duchovny was quoted in a statement released shortly after he was admitted to the rehab facility saying:

"I ask for respect and privacy for my wife and children as we deal with this situation as a family."

His wife? His children? I say, call a spade a spade.

This doesn't sound like rehab. This sounds like a timeout called on account of infidelity. Sure. It makes sense. You do one too many lines, and you go to rehab. You do one too many women while your wife's at home with your babies, and I guess you do the same.


Anonymous said...

you are what i call perfection... keep the posts cumming.

Anonymous said...

sex addiction is connected to other psychological issues. it is a real problem and making fun of it before doing any sort of real and substantial research on the matter is immature, irresponsible, and a testament to what an idiot you are.

carli mia said...


Usually, I would refrain from saying anything in response to your comment, however, as it turns out, I'm addicted to conflict, confrontation and disdain.

Admitting it is the first step to recovery. I have been battling this infirmity for some time now, and have realised that the only way to cure myself is by admitting that I am, in fact, an addict.

However, as they say, you can't change someone. They need to want to change themselves. And I don't think I'm ready for it yet.

(Maybe I need a sarcasm intervention?)

So, berangere, I truly am sorry if my blog doesn't read like the American Journal of Psychology. I can't help it!

It's the addiction.

Chris said...


sarah nicole said...

remember how we were talking about food addiction, and how that would be so much harder to deal with, because you can't quit eating?

sex addiction is (a little bit) the same because it's a biological function.

so i do think it's a real problem.

i also this beranged character over here is the real idiot. insulting someone on her personal blog under a weird pseudonym is cowardly and childish.

anyway, this isn't a research paper. it's a blog post. an opinion. and, as always, a brilliant and hilariously written one.

ps your post titles are consistently winners.

sarah nicole said...

pps i missed a "think" in there.

carli mia said...

wasn't me who you were talking food addictions with, but that would be a hard one to quit, cold turkey. pun intended.