Wednesday, September 17, 2008

plenty of rest and fluids (from friends)

I learned at a very young age that a fever gets you back rubs, a sore throat gets you ice cream, a broken arm gets you attention, and a stomach ache gets you crackers and a day on the couch.

Sick days used to translate to holidays.

Now, I have to look at them as wasted days. Throw-away days. Lonely days spent in bed and online, looking at things on eBay that I can't afford. Things that I can't afford, much like the class that I'm missing, that I can't afford to miss. These things that I can't afford to miss, and thinking about things that I miss already, like the back rubs, ice cream, and my Mum's attention from when I was a kid at home on a sick day.

But, it's strange how sick days, sad songs, and other cheerless things make me remember the times when I was the happiest. And how sad days, bad days and long, stressful, taxing days can suddenly put things into perspective with just a simple gesture, one surprise visitor, with one little latte, and one quick anecdote about two Sarah's and a Freudian slip.

On a day like today, where I feel much worse than I look, and I feel like I look much worse than I am, it's nice to know that someone cares. Even if they don't have time to feed me crackers.

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